Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Song of the Day: I Am Changing

When Dreamgirls came out a couple years a go I was pretty impressed with the film.  I thought it had an exceptional cast (minus Jaime Foxx), solid direction, inspired choreography, and beautiful orchestrations of the now infamous songs.  But the best thing about it was probably the fact that it wasn't scared of being a real movie musical, silliness and all.  I never really jumped on the Jennifer Hudson bandwagon.  I thought she was extremely affective in all of her singing scenes, but her straight acting scenes fell a little flat.  It didn't matter though and it still doesn't.  Effie is primarily a scene stealing role through song.  It's a showcase for a great singer and Jennifer Hudson is a great singer.  I had said long before the film ever came out that whoever played that role would end up winning the Oscar.  And I was right.  But for all the noise made about Effie's signature number And I Am Tellin' You, I personally thought that I Am Changing was the real star making number for miss Hudson.  She performs it impeccably and it is my favorite moment in the movie.  Enjoy.

Note of Interest: Personally for me the real star of Dreamgirls was Eddie Murphy in the role that should have won him the Best Supporting Actor Oscar that instead went to Allen Arkin for Little Miss Sunshine.  If you want to see the original Effie, Jennifer Holiday, singing I Am Changing click here.  This woman is such a parody of herself now.  It's kinda sad.

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