Friday, August 1, 2008

The Films I'm looking Forward to Oscar Season 08

Well now that the Dark Knight has come and gone (well not really, this thing is making huge money and is going to be around for a LONG TIME), I need to find some new films so obsess about.  Luckily Oscar season is upon us and I begin to salivate just thinking about it.  Unfortunately, there isn't too much coming out this year that I am dying to see.  Most things are just curiosities to me, especially since A LOT of the films coming out this Oscar season still don't have trailers... Come on Studios, lets get it together.  You don't have much time left to start building your awards hype machine. Five Months and counting.  So below are a list of films I am looking forward to with their respective trailers (if available). 

Australia -  
I'm going to admit it... I'm a big fan of Baz Luhrman and his crazy antics as a director.  I found Strictly Ballroom to be a delightful, if light weight first feature.  Romeo and Juliet was a visual tour de force, but lacked real Shakespearean emotion.  With Moulin Rouge I felt he hit it out of the park, balancing his theatrical directing style with a larger than life story in gay Paris, with outstanding performances from Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor and Jim Broadbent.  The film may have seemed a little silly, but it had real emotional weight and it practically re-invented if not fully revived the movie musical.  Chicago should have been a little more thankful a full year and half later when it opened.  Now Luhrman is tackling serious historic subject matter with the bombing of Australia by the Japanese during WWII.  His muse, Nicole Kidman, is along with him for the ride once again.  It all stars Aussie hunk Hugh Jackman, who desperately needs to get noticed for his brave acting.  His role in The Fountain should have brought him far more accolades.  The film will surly be a visual triumph if the trailer is any indication, but I'm not sure how Baz's directing style will mesh with the serious subject matter.  Take a look for yourself.

Blindness -
Bad Cannes buzz be damned! I am still dying to see this film.  Julianne Moore is still one of my favorite actresses despite the fact she hasn't had a worthy film in years (I don't count Children of Men considering she was in it for all of five minutes).  The director is the same one who brought us City of God and The Constant Gardener.  I have high hopes.

Burn After Reading -
I'm a big fan of the Coen brothers.  I always have been.  I thought that No Country for Old Men was a brilliant motion picture, but I was disappointed when the Academy chose it over the similarly brilliant but often more divided There Will Be Blood.  It looks like after last years dark thriller on the nature of man, they are following it up with what they do best - dark comedy.  The film has an all star cast and the premise is wickedly funny.  The trailer has sparked my interest, but the past few Coen comedies have been forgettable, lets hope this doesn't follow down those same lines.

If this film ever finds a distributor I will be oh so happy.  I have been following the development of this film since it was announced.  Steven Soderbergh is an interesting director and this is one of the most ambitious projects he has ever tackled.  I either really love his work or despise it.  But the casting of Benicio Del Torro is inspired and the subject matter deserves proper film treatment.  But the question remains, will the film actually come out this year?

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 
This film has had me captivated since I first heard about the project.  I love David Fincher, though I am not a fan boy who worships his every move.  He's had some ups and downs... and I am one of the few admirers of him who felt that Fight Club was all style with watered down supposed substance.  However, I did feel that Zodiac deserved far more credit than it was ever given and its omission at the Oscars last year was baffling.  This year they may have a chance to make it up to Mr. Fincher as he is directing Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchette and Tilda Swinton in an adaptation of a F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, which is likely to be visually captivating.  I hope the film can be as emotionally exhilarating as its visuals, however the trailer certainly has me intrigued.

Doubt - 
Meryl Streep replaces Cherry Jones in a role that seems pretty fit to get her another Oscar nomination.  It will need to be good to replace the god awful taste in my mouth as a result of the horrendous Mamma Mia! Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams also star.  It will be nice to see Amy Adams in a role that doesn't require her to be the cutest thing on the planet every minute.  But some are saying that Hoffman is miscast... Could be a sign of things to come.  I haven't seen the play so I cant comment fully, but I will say I do respect Hoffman as an actor and he is capable of far more than most people seem to give him credit for...

Milk - Sean Penn is playing legendary gay activist and politician Harvey Milk in this docudrama.  Gus Van Sant is directing.  It could really go either way.  It's a great story and one that should definitely be told, but can they really do it better than the Oscar winning documentary The Life and Times of Harvey Milk did?  Doubtful.  But I am hopeful.  There is great talent behind this picture.

Miracle at St. Anna -
Spike Lee in general is a man who just pisses me off.  He's made some great films, but his politics can get ridiculous and his recent verbal pissing match with Clint Eastwood was just uncalled for.  However, his new film looks great and could very well pay tribute to the African Americans who are largely ignored for fighting in the second great war.

Quantum of Solace -
Casino Royal was a refreshing re-invention of the Bond franchise.  This sequel looks even more promising.  Daniel Craig is quite possibly the best thing that could have ever happened to this franchise.  Again, his was a much overlooked performance last Oscar season.  Unfortunately, I don't think the Academy will rectify that decision with this sure to be crowd pleasing sequel.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona -
Woody Allen is one of my all time favorite directors and after his comeback with Match Point I expected him to continue to do great things... unfortunately I was sorely disappointed by the unfunny Scoop and the amateur Casandra's Dream (minus the great Tom Wilkinson).  However, this looks like a return to form for Woody and if the buzz from Cannes is any indication, Penelope Cruz may just be up for an Oscar nomination.

Other films I'm interested but not completely sold on yet - The Changeling, Frost/Nixon (mostly just because I hate Ron Howard), and Revolutionary Road.

And last but not least, the film I am dying to see but have to wait well into next year to see...

The Watchmen -
The trailer says it all.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

in love with this post! i also hadn't seen the doubt poster before!!