Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The studio is now going to be releasing Mamma Mia sing alongs to theaters.  This insanity has to stop.  Mamma Mia is perhaps the poorest excuse for a movie musical since the release of The Producers remake.  But it's worse than that.  Almost all of the acting is cringe worthy (including the great Meryl Streep, the choreography is childlike (I'm no dancer and I could have done that shit in my sleep), the script is horribly cliche, ABBA's songs barely fit into any kind of plot within the film and often times are there just to have another song, Pierce Brosnan sounds like he's dying when he sings, the ending is beyond ludicrous, and for the first time ever during a musical I just wanted everyone to shut the hell up before my ears started to bleed. This is a bad bad movie and the last thing we need is a sing along version.  You know why this is selling tickets?  Because old folks love ABBA and Meryl Streep.  The two together are golden to them.  You know what? I dont give a shit.  This is a big step backwards for movie musicals.  If you all miss ABBA so much release a concert of them.  Get a reunion going, film it and release it.  But please spare us musical lovers from complete shit like this.  I'm begging you studio heads. PLEASE!

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