Monday, November 17, 2008

Song of the Day: Come What May

I haven't posted one of these in a while so I figured I would post one tonight.  I just recently re-watched Moulin Rouge the other night and was reminded of what a brilliant and groundbreaking movie musical it was.  It's a shame that very few of the musicals Hollywood has released post Moulin Rouge have lived up to the promise that Baz Luhrman's musical provided.  It's a hyper stylized piece, but it also has plenty of melodrama and heart to spare.  I'm sure I will be writing up a large article on the film sometime soon, but in the meantime I'm posting the big love ballad (and the only original song) from the movie.  Enjoy

Note of Interest:  more of a question really... how in the hell did Ewan McGregor managed to get shafted by the Academy for his role here?  He is the heart and soul of the whole damn film.  Then again I could also ask how in the hell the Academy thought A Beautiful Mind was a better film than this or Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Ring, or Gosford Park, or In the Bedroom for that matter.  GAH!

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