Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye Spelling Bee

Thursday November 6th at 330 in the afternoon the cast of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee gave their arguably best and sadly final performance.  It was a great run of a great show and I was proud to be a part of that experience.  Our run garnered us lots of acclaim from teachers and students alike, plus at one performance a standing ovation (something pretty unheard of at this school).  I'm going to miss being with the cast and crew on a regular basis, but I can hope that we will all stay in contact with one another and get together whenever possible.  The process may have started off rough, but our end product was something to be admired.  I was privileged to work with some of the most talented and determined students in our department on Spelling Bee and I know that in the future I will get to work with you all again.  Your commitment to the piece and energy when on stage was at times awe-inspiring.  It isn't very often that you get to work on a show as good as ours was.  So basically I wanted to say thank you to everyone in the cast and crew.  Your raw talent pushed me to work harder and to be a better actor and for that I will always be grateful.  With each show you learn something new.  I learned a lot on Spelling Bee about myself and others around me.  I hope that you all did too.  So here's to the cast and crew of Spelling Bee.  I miss you guys already.  

P.S. - We kicked these guy's asses.

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