Monday, January 26, 2009

Song of the Day: Don't Cry for Me Argentina

Today's song of the day is the show-stopping (literally if you've watched her latest youtube video... she is one scary bitch) Patti LuPone singing the song that made her famous - Don't Cry for Me Argentina from Evita.  This is a video from the 1980 Grammy Awards where Evita would win the award for Best Cast Album.  I love Patti, I think her talent is tremendous. I personally dont think very much of her as a person.  Her diva attitude is off putting and her most recent youtube video definitely exemplifies this.  I've met her a couple times as well and it's always been the same experience... DIVA!!!!!  Taking a look at this video reminds you that at one point in time she was humble and actually honored to be where she was in her career.  I have a feeling she probably takes it for granted now...

Note of Interest:  I got to see the opening night performance of Gypsy and Patti LuPone was definitely mind blowing in that role.

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