Friday, September 5, 2008

Trailer: Milk

I'm a little late with posting this trailer seeing as how it has been out for a few days now, but better late than never.  I have been looking forward to Milk ever since it was announced, but I was skeptical of what the results would be.  After all, Gus Van Sant's track record as of late hasn't been too great and there was already an impeccable Academy Award winning documentary on the life of Harvey Milk titled - The Times of Harvey Milk.   But after seeing the trailer my worries have been put at ease... to put it simply, Milk looks amazing.  Sean Penn is in top form here and is the perfect choice to portray this great man who stood up for Gay Rights like no other leader in the history of this country.  The rest of the cast looks like they are game too and Sant's direction looks crisp and clear.  I hope that this biopic stays as accurate as humanly possibly and also attempts to paint a compelling portrait of Dan White that is more than just two dimensional hatred.  The trailer itself is extremely well put together and more than compelling.  As of right now I think this indicates that Sean Penn may very well be our front runner for Best Actor at the Oscars this year, but if Milk is loved it could receive a ton of nominations.  Could this be the Academy's opportunity to get rid of the bad taste in everyone's mouth after the dismissal of the groundbreaking Brokeback Mountain and it's Best Picture Snub?  Only time will tell, but one thing is certain -  this is now the film I am looking forward to most this year.  Enjoy.

"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door."

To find out more about Harvey Milk and what exactly he fought for click here.  Also, do yourself a favor and watch the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk.  You wont regret it.

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