Saturday, September 13, 2008

Song of the Day: 13

Holy Jesus... is this the new face of Broadway?  If it is I am sufficiently terrified.  Has Jason Robert Brown completely lost his fucking mind?  Now I'm sure that these kids are all talented in their own right... but a musical featuring only 13 years olds that is about juvenile subjects with a score this bad is not going to make any money.  I'm expecting this to get slammed by the critics.  I'll be the first to say if I'm wrong later, but I don't think I will be.  Hey at least they are giving away really cheap tickets for teenagers.  I wish they would do this for more Broadway shows.  But somehow I don't think this is the kind of show that is gonna inspire kids to want to see South Pacific, Gypsy, or even In The Heights for that matter.  See for yourself what I'm talking about -

Find more videos like this on 13 The Musical Fansite
Note of Interest:  I have never been a huge Jason Robert Brown fan, but I do think his score for the musical Parade is one of the best to hit Broadway in the past 20 years and you all should definitely check that one out.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Trailer: Milk

I'm a little late with posting this trailer seeing as how it has been out for a few days now, but better late than never.  I have been looking forward to Milk ever since it was announced, but I was skeptical of what the results would be.  After all, Gus Van Sant's track record as of late hasn't been too great and there was already an impeccable Academy Award winning documentary on the life of Harvey Milk titled - The Times of Harvey Milk.   But after seeing the trailer my worries have been put at ease... to put it simply, Milk looks amazing.  Sean Penn is in top form here and is the perfect choice to portray this great man who stood up for Gay Rights like no other leader in the history of this country.  The rest of the cast looks like they are game too and Sant's direction looks crisp and clear.  I hope that this biopic stays as accurate as humanly possibly and also attempts to paint a compelling portrait of Dan White that is more than just two dimensional hatred.  The trailer itself is extremely well put together and more than compelling.  As of right now I think this indicates that Sean Penn may very well be our front runner for Best Actor at the Oscars this year, but if Milk is loved it could receive a ton of nominations.  Could this be the Academy's opportunity to get rid of the bad taste in everyone's mouth after the dismissal of the groundbreaking Brokeback Mountain and it's Best Picture Snub?  Only time will tell, but one thing is certain -  this is now the film I am looking forward to most this year.  Enjoy.

"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door."

To find out more about Harvey Milk and what exactly he fought for click here.  Also, do yourself a favor and watch the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk.  You wont regret it.

Song of the Day: One Singular Sensation

Well do to the fact that I've been selected to play the choreographer in A Chorus Line in my workshop class I decided to post the song I'm supposed to be dancing to before my big dramatic scene.  Anyone who knows me will find it pretty hysterical that I am playing Zach... Needless to say I am going to have to work my ass off the next few weeks to get this shit right.  All of my classes are going to push me rather hard this year, but Workshop is going to be another beast entirely. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Song of the Day: Tonight

Tonight from West Side Story is probably on of the most perfect and gorgeous musical theater love duets ever written.  A lot of that has to do with Leonard Bernstein's beautiful melodies and Stephen Sondheim's impeccable lyrics.  My school did the show last year and it was interesting to see this song in particular played in a different context than usual, perhaps even more believably than in most standard productions.  Here we have Michael Ball and Lesley Garrett singing and they are anything but young love sick teenagers from opposite sides of the pond.  No, instead here we have two extremely well trained singers who have a tendency to overact... especially Ball.  Garrett is more of an opera singer and that comes through quite clear here, but it is still strangely appropriate as Bernstein does write in a largely operatic style.  I have a recording of Garrett singing I Have a Love from West Side Story that is probably the most intense version of the song that I have ever heard.  I'm a big fan of West Side Story and I cant wait to see that Arthur Laurents directed revival which is coming to Broadway next season.  I'll have to see if I can fly to New York to catch that.  Enjoy.

Note of Interest:  I've already put my name down for a couple auditions and been asked to do a staged reading of a musical.  It will hopefully be a productive semester.  There is only one musical this semester that is being produced and its a student directed one.  So I will of course go out for that one full force, but we shall see what happens.  Maybe I might actually have time for a job... I'm going to have to make time no matter how busy I am.  Living in this city is expensive!!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Song of the Day: Chicago

First of all I want to apologize for my absence from the blog.  I just got back into Chicago a few days ago and I've been trying to get things all settled here.  But now classes start tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'll still be able to post daily, but I will make it a point to do at least 3 times a week like I originally promised.  Today, in celebration of me returning to this wonderful town, I'm posting a little Sinatra.  Hope you all enjoy.

Note of Interest:  The next article in The Films I Love series should be posted in the next couple of days.  Expect the next to be a unique choice as well.