Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Well this is my first post here and though I don't have an audience yet, I am very excited.   This is my first blog in years.  My first was over at live journal, which basically functioned as a way for me to vent my anger and frustrations in my personal life... not exactly thrilling reading for anyone who didn't know me.  This blog is going to be filled with rants that will more than likely vent my anger and frustrations, but I will also try to stay positive from time to time.  The difference between these two blogs is this one is going to be minimally about my personal life and much more so about movies and theatre.  The blog is going to be filled with my personal reviews and articles that I feel like writing up on either of the above subjects.  My hope is that I can build this blog up to get a lot of the things done that I have always wanted to do - a weekly great movies series (ala Roger Ebert, though I will need to come up for another name), weekly movie reviews, articles on my favorite actors, possibly some theatre reviews, top ten lists etc.  My goal is to post at least 3 times a week and who knows, maybe I'll even gain a following to match Nathaniel's... not bloody likely, but a guy can dream.

So now some info on me.  I am a 22 (going on 23) year old college student living in Chicago Il.  I attend Columbia College Chicago and am a musical theater major.  I sing, I act, I rant, and attempt to dance on a regular basis.  I'm extremely opinionated, but always willing to listen to the other side as long as they can present a well put and sophisticated argument. Before I got into theater I used to make a lot of short films, many of which went on to various festivals and won me some awards.  I even got to screen a film of mine at the youth portion of the Sundance film Festival back in the day.  I miss film and from time to time I try to dabble my hand in screenwriting.  I might even post some pages up here every once in a while to get some feed back.  I am a huge film buff and have been for years.  Now here is a list of my favs so you get a bit of an idea of just what kind of guy you are dealing with here -

Favorite Actor(s) - Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, Nicole Kidman, Heath Ledger, Ellen Burstyn, Meryl Streep
Favorite Director(s) - Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson
Favorite Films - The Godfather, ET, The Lord of the Rings, Goodfellas, Hannah and Her Sisters, Broadway Danny Rose, Schindler's List, Blade Runner, Alien, Casablanca, Cabaret, Singin' in the Rain, Brokeback Mountain
Favorite Musicals - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Sunday in the Park with George, Follies, A Little Night Music, Parade, Cabaret, Gypsy
Favorite Books - To Kill a Mockingbird, Night, Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, All Quiet on the Western Front, Memoirs of a Geisha, Everything is Illuminated, Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead

This is just a quick list that came off the top of my head.  It gives you a rough idea of the kind of film and theater I like and the kind of actors I admire.  During the course of this blog you'll probably find that I will says that dozens of films and actors are my "favorites" and I may even contradict myself from time to time, but hey I'm only human.  So welcome to the Knight's Rants on Theatre, Films and Acting blog.  I hope you all enjoy!

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