Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Song of the Day: Listen to the Music

Today's song of the day is actually a clip of me performing in a student directed production of Hello Again at Columbia College. It was the last show I ever did in school. Interestingly enough I will be doing the show at the BOHO Theater Company here in Chicago, but this time I will be playing the College Boy instead of the Husband. It's a role that's a bit more age appropriate for me I suppose. In fact I will be performing in the show exactly one year after the Columbia production.... strange, but exciting. My scene partner here is the young and talented Andrew Swan who I'm sure you will be seeing a lot of around the Chicago theater scene. It was directed by up and comer Kyle Trent and Musical Directed by the brilliant Kory Danielson. I know this blog hasn't been updated in months and I'm not going to promise that it will be frequently, but it was one of my New Years resolutions to actually do something with this thing. Let's see if I can make it happen. Enjoy!

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